What Makes Someone Be The Way They Are?

Have you ever tried to understand ” Why do people act the way they do?” I think there are multiple factors behind the way people act such as environment, people, education, emotions, and many others.
No one is born being a bad person they become so because of the circumstances that life showed them. The environment in which a person grows up and lives in his developing years plays a very important role in their beliefs and perspectives towards life, the society also plays a role in making someone’s personality.
The people we meet in our lives are the reasons behind our acts as they are good with us then we will act good and if they are bad or did something bad or unfair with us, we are exactly gonna act the same. So never ask why someone is good or bad to you. If someone is good then you probably did something good with them in your life and if someone is not treating you well or being rude to you then you just did something bad with them, maybe intentionally or unintentionally!
Our educational life also affects our personality. It’s not just the subject that matters, the overall experiences help a person build a wild variety of skills and as well as improve their personalities by meeting a different kind of peoples.
If you want peoples to be enough good with you, then do good with them, no doubt there are exceptions that if you do good with someone they will not do the same but whenever they’re going to do something bad or unfair with you they will at least think about the good deeds you do with them and maybe their moral sense can make them stop doing such things. And I think that is the easiest way to be treated well rather than crying behinds the dark that no one cares about you and everyone ditches you.
Do Good Have Good!