A logical thought of the real concept of The GAME

The chemistry of playing a Board Game & The Physics behind enjoying your character

The real concept of playing a game is to keep you healthy, active, moving and fresh. It is a kind of exercise for your brain. But if you are playing a game on an electronic device such as mobile or a tab, instead of you being relaxing yourself, you are actually putting pressure or stressing your eyes by constantly watching on the screen. Sooner or later this may lead you to an eye health issue.

“means the actual concept of a GAME is ruined”
You have so many other games available online that you can play only on an electronic device. But when it comes to a board game, the best choice is to play them on real board. Take a break from your E-device that you have been watching all day long and enjoy your time on a real board.
Board games are very common and are played widely in home with family. You can still play them on any of your electronic device, but the real adventure is to play those games on the board.
You will actually feel yourself a part on that game when you sit around a physical board. When you roll the dice with your hand, and then move your character. You will really see the things are happening in the real time. And your game fellows saying comments on your movement and giving you some silly options, it will create a good friendly environment among your family at home or with friends.
Playing a board game, is also a method to bring your friends and family together. As you can play with your siblings, children and parent sitting around a table, giggling and chatting any saying funny comments to each other.
May be you will feel it boring playing on an board at first time, when you actually have to struggle yourself to roll dice and then make a move, because you are so much in to the technology. But sooner you will build a real interest when you start playing a board game on the physical board.