Covid-19 be responsible and take it serious
As we all are passing through this coronavirus pandemic, that causes a huge damage to humanity as well as economy.

It is time to play your part responsibly. As now countries are easing lock-down all over the world and almost opening all the businesses.
It is up to us now to take it serious. As we all know from the study that in the spread of coronavirus one person is a transmitter and other is a receiver.
If you really want to stop this virus then you need to take necessary precautions.
When you are going back to your work again DO NOT FOLLOW YOUR OLD HABITS AGAIN. You must bring a change in your old behavior at your workplace to stop the spread of coronavirus after lockdown.
- Use a Mask and gloves when you are traveling and public dealing
- Wash your hands thoroughly with soap before touching anything in your work place.
- Use hand sanitizer more frequently, specially when you touch something and you are not sure if it contains a virus. it can be a surface, a post letter or parcel that you have just received today.
- Do NOT use a shared Towel. if necessary use your own towel or preferably tissue rolls to dry your hand
- Avoid shaking hand with your friends, colleagues or visitors at workplace
- Do NOT Share your cup, glass or spoon. Use your own Cup, Glass or spoon and wash them yourself. Use disposable things if possible.
- Do NOT use Public Toilet where possible. Use your own toilet tissue even in your office.
Let’s together bring a change in our behavior to STOP the spread of Coronavirus