The best way to learn any foreign language is to engage yourself with that culture as much as you can. You can connect yourself by watching movies, talking with people, reading books of that specific language.
“Greetings In French “
English French Hello Bonjour
English French Nice to meet you. Enchanté(e )
English French What’s your name? Comment tu t’appelles
English French My name is…. Je m’appelle
English French How are you? Comment ça va?
English French I’m fine. Je vais bien
English French Thankyou Merci, bien
English French And you? Et toi?
English French How old are you? Quel âge avez-vous
English French I’m …. years old. J’ai…..ans
English French Where are you from? D’où êtes-vous
English French I’m from… Je suis de……
English French Where do you live? Où habitez-vous
English French I live in…. J’habite….
English French Where are you going? Où allez-vous
English French Bye Au revoir
English French See you soon  bientôt
English French See you tomorrow À demain
English French Good luck Bonne chance
English French Take care Prends soin de toi
English French Congratulations Félicitations
English French Good morning Bonjour
English French Good evening Bonsoir
English French Happy Birthday Bon anniversaire
English French Happy New Year Bonne année
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02nd Jul 2020Good job
02nd Jul 2020thanks alot for your feedback 🙂