Obsessive Compulsion: Unwanted thoughts!

Being a teenager is not that easy task. Sometimes we might go through different difficulties as well as worries and fears. It’s our own created problems and difficulties. But sometimes we might face some fears and worries whom we can’t get rid of. Today we will discuss one of them.
Obsessive compulsion is a mental illness that causes unwanted thoughts to repeat or create an obsession to do something over and over again. Some people face both obsession and compulsion at the same time.
Obsessive compulsion is not about habits like biting your nails. A compulsive habit might be to wash your hands seven or more times after touching something that could be dirty. Although you may not want to think or do these things, you feel powerless to stop.
Many people faces some repeated things in their life but obsessive compulsion are thoughts and actions that
- Takes too long to go
- Are beyond your control
- Are not enjoyable
- Interfere in your work and social life