Use Water Instead of Tissue Roll – Covid-19 precautions

During the quarantine period of Covid-19 and other diseases and infections, it is very recommended to clean yourself thoroughly with proper water. Because when you use toilet tissue roll to wash your private parts it do not clean it completely! Some partials still remain on your skin and may cause you infection and diseases.
As we use water to wash our clothes, food pans, plates etc, then why we can’t wash our Private parts with water?
If you daily clean your food plates and pans with tissue roll, will you satisfy with the cleanness of it? No! Because it does not clean it properly with tissue roll, so how do you think that using tissue roll on your private parts can clean your body thoroughly? It definitely causes allergy and disease.
Following are the ways of using water in your washrooms and stay clean.
Take a bottle of water or use a pot (only reserved for washroom) then hold in right hand and put water on your parts and use left hand to clean by rubbing few seconds.
Use water pipe/hose pipe over tape which makes easier to spot water pressure on your private parts and clean it easily and handy.
There is readymade tap available for toilet usage. You can buy it and fix it in your washroom and use it more comfortably.
A specific angled pot called (Lota) may available in your plastic shops. Its only purpose is to wash private parts with easily handle design. It’s very light weight and made of plastic
It is very easy to use water for washing private parts. You do not need to have much trouble for using it. You just need to put water with right hand and use left hand to rub for cleaning for few seconds. That’s it! You’re done!
After that you wash your hands with soap properly and feel fresh from everywhere. This makes you clean your body from everywhere.
When you change the Diaper of the babies you need to wash them properly with water as well. DO NOT USE THE TISSUE ROLL TO CLEAN AND APPLY ANOTHER DIAPER! Skin of babies is very sensitive and when you do not clean it properly it starts causing baby an infection or allergy.
When you wash your hands with water you feel better but when you clean your hands with tissue paper after dinner you feel your hands sticky until you wash it properly. So similarly when you wash your private parts after using toilet you need to wash properly with water then you will feel clean, fresh and relaxed.
When you make yourself habitual using water Rather than tissue rolls you will be protected yourself from any bacterial or viral infections. This could be the way you feel free from headache of toilet paper shortages and waste of money.
By adopting this habit you cannot only safe yourself from many diseases but also from Coronavirus(Covid-19) and many other viral infections.