Struggling to write An Article! A secret has been revealed

An Article? Yes, I can write… Its was in my mind, but where to start from?? My mind just goes blank!
When you start to write something, you do not know what to write and where to start with .

You might have a sketch in your mind of what you are going to write, but to put on paper and present to your audience is a challenge.
You will find hundreds of techniques about writing an article on the internet that explains about the steps, structure, formatting, tips or tricks. But when you actually want to start a writing, you are lost, and have no idea what to write, and your mind goes BLANK or you may distracted by a phone call, a message, an email message, or get busy on social media.
Actually it is true that same situation happen with me when I start to write something. But no anymore, I use a special methodology for the startup of my writings!!!
During the phase when you are start to thing that I am going to write about a selected topic, In other words when you have a rough sketch of your topic, in your conscious mind and start to think about the chosen topic, you will come across some random piece information in your brain. Actually the information that is wondering around your head at this time is the actual Article’s text that you are wondering for when you start to write.
The common mistake that we all normally do at that time is, we do not make a note of it. We only think and think and assume that I have enough information and feel confident to write.
Later what happen is when we are ready to write on paper or any other electronic device our mind goes blank!!! And we left with only fee sentences and try to recall the information but again distracted.
The good practice is to keep that random information save in form of a ‘note’. Write simple line on a piece of paper and keep it safe for yourself. But practically you might not have a piece of paper and a pen available at that time!!!
Alternatively other way is to record it on your phone. In the latest technology everyone have a smart phone handy all the time and have a default voice recorder application available on it. Simply say that line and record it.

At the time when you are thinking about the topic and getting a idea of what I m going to write you are only few clicks away from to save that tiny piece of information in your phone . Later by gathering these tiny piece of information that you have saved, you can actually write a good Article for your audience in a very short time.
I believe that this technique is more effective because you have concrete information already available for yourself to explain in details and presents to your audience.
Enjoy writing an article!!! even when you are in kitchen, bathroom, or with our family…
Its all in my mind pocket 🙂
Yes! I know the secret now