World without a PLASTIC bag. Thought Provoking concept

Together we can change the world

Plastic bags are harmful for human, nature and our environment.
People should be aware that these plastic bags are not environment friendly, Instead they are destroying our health slowly.
The waste produce by the plastic bags are usually end up on the streets, it took much effort to collect this waste and dump them properly.
Plastic is normally destroyed by burning. The toxic gases released by burning these plastic bags, released in the atmosphere are a big threat for every living being on earth. These particles then mix with air and oxygen and we finally inhaled it to our body and damage our health.
This is also causing to destroy our environment and damaging ozone layer. Allowing cosmic rays to travel through space an reached the earth
Also other living being, animals, birds, under sea are also affected with this pollution. They eat or inhale these toxic gases mixed with air and then finale the eatable animals, birds, or sea food we human finally consume it and it become our part.
In short any plastic bag we uses today, sooner or later become part of our body in different means

We must break this chain of Plastic bag usage…
Some countries around the world are now banned these plastic bag usage, others are charging extra if you want to use a plastic bag, which in a way encourages peoples to stop use of a plastic bag. This is good effort to save human life and environment.
Alternatively we can use a paper bags. Paper bag industry is now growing very fast and companies are now switching to produce paper bags instead of plastic. They are easy to make and ease to recycle. Paper bags are environment friendly. Paper bag took very less energy to produce. They decompose very quickly without producing and air pollution.
This is a slow process when there will be no plastic bag on our earth and everyone will be using a paper bag. Our roads will be clean, our river and sea will be cleaner, our air will be clean and fresh, and we will have a healthy environment This is now up to every individual to take part in this little effort and stop using a plastic bag today. This small action will change the face of the earth… Please think!

Say no to plastic bag
Say YES to Paper bag