
Download Engineering Standard | SAES-B-063

Aviation Obstruction Marking and Lighting This Standard defines the minimum mandatory requirements governing the design and installation for the marking and lighting of communications towers and other obstructions that may pose a hazard to aviation. If any object or portion thereof, either temporary or permanent, exceeds an overall height of 60 m above ground level […]


Download Engineering Standard |SAES-B-062

Onshore Wellsite Safety This Standard covers the minimum mandatory requirements for site layout,wellhead protection, access, and flow isolation for all wells including oil and gas production wells, hydrocarbon injection wells, observation wells, abandoned wells, suspended wells, and wellsite facilities located onshore. Water injection, disposal, and supply wells, which are open to or pass through a […]


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-B-061

Protective Shields for High Health Hazard Piping and Equipment This Standard provides requirements for protective shields on equipment handling high health hazard or flammable liquids.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-B-060

Fire Protection for Piers, Wharves and Sea Islands This Standard defines the minimum mandatory safety requirements governing the design and installation of piers, wharves, and sea islands. Exception:Dry cargo, maintenance, and recreational piers are not included.


Download Engineering Standard| SAES-B-058

Emergency Shutdown, Isolation, and Depressuring This Standard provides the minimum mandatory requirements for the design, of emergency shutdown, isolation, and depressuring systems, including spacing requirements for emergency isolation valves and safe-location actuating buttons, for all facilities handling hydrocarbons, toxic materials, and their derivatives. For other pertinent instrumentation and alarm requirements, see SAES-J-601.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-B-057

Safety Requirements: Refrigerated and Pressure Storage Tanks and Vessels This Standard defines the minimum mandatory safety requirements governing the design and installation of offsite refrigerated and pressure storage tanks and vessels located onshore and above grade, which typically store liquefied ethane, natural gas liquids (NGL), or liquefied petroleum gases (LPG), including the following:


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-B-055

Plant Layout This Standard provides minimum spacing requirements for equipment and structures in the design and layout of new plants and expansions or modifications of existing plants.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-B-054

Access, Egress, and Materials Handling for Plant Facilities This Standard defines the minimum mandatory requirements governing the design and installation of access, egress, and materials handling requirements for maintenance and operation of onshore and offshore plant facilities. In case of requirements in SAES-B- 009 which differ from those in SAES-B-054, SAES-B-009 shall govern for offshore […]

Make-Up Products Usage And Benefits

Women wear makeup to enhance their beauty. Makeup can make you feel more powerful and give you a different level of confidence. So, the point is you should do makeup but with the knowledge of the products you’re applying. After reading this article, you will be able to answer all the questions about makeup products. […]


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-B-053

Machine Safety Guarding, Elevators, Escalators, and Conveyors This Standard addresses requirements for the protection of employees from accidentally contacting the moving parts of all rotating equipment, prime movers, elevators, escalators, material conveyors and related equipment and other points of power machine transmission. This Standard may be attached to purchase orders.