
Download Engineering Standard | SAES-D-001

Design Criteria for Pressure Vessels This standard covers the minimum mandatory requirements for the design of pressure vessels. The requirements are in addition to and supplement the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-C-001

Process Design of Trays and Packing This standard covers the minimum mandatory requirements for the process design of trays and inert packing for pressure vessels (herein after referred to as vessel).


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-B-070

Fire and Safety Requirements for Bulk Plants, Air Fueling and Sulfur Loading Facilities This Standard covers the minimum mandatory fire and safety requirements for bulk plants, onshore air fueling facilities, and sulfur handling facilities including truck and railroad tanker loading and unloading facilities, associated pumps, tank storage, and onshore components of marine terminals related to […]


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-B-069

Emergency Eyewashes and Showers This standard covers the minimum mandatory requirements governing the design and installation of emergency eyewash and shower facilities that are designated for the emergency first-aid treatment of personnel exposed to injurious chemicals.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-B-068

Electrical Area Classification This Standard shall be used for the electrical classification of areas in whichflammable gases or vapors are, or may be, present, in the air in quantitiessufficient to produce explosive or ignitable mixtures. Classification of newfacilities, or extensions/additions to existing facilities shall be performed using the Class I/Zone/Group method per API RP 505 […]

Coping with Depression and Anxiety during COVID-19

During this hard time where everyone is forced to stay in their homes and keep social distance, anxiety and depression can easily kick into people’s lives. Living in a country, where depression and anxiety are considered taboo topics, these can be proven life-threatening, especially with this pandemic going on. People of every age can fall […]


Indonesian Government Supports Saudi Arabia’s Decision on Holding Hajj 1441 AH

(June 26, 2020 – Saudi Press) Riyadh, June 26, 2020, SPA — The Indonesian government supported the decision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to hold this year’s Hajj 1441 AH with a very limited number of pilgrims from various nationalities who already reside in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The Indonesian Minister of Religious […]

Introduction To Basic French (1)

The best way to learn any foreign language is to engage yourself with that culture as much as you can. You can connect yourself by watching movies, talking with people, reading books of that specific language. “Greetings In French“ English French Hello Bonjour English French Nice to meet you. Enchanté(e) English French What’s your name? […]


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-B-067

Safety Identification and Safety Colors This Standard governs the minimum mandatory safety identification and use of safety colors in Saudi Aramco facilities in order to identify potential hazards and alleviate fire and safety concerns. Exception:Cross-country pipelines, trunklines, flowlines, onshore wellheads, and marine vessels are excluded from this Standard.

Download Engineering Standard | SAES-B-064

Onshore and Nearshore Pipeline Safety This Standard covers minimum mandatory safety requirements for the design and installation of onshore pipelines and submarine pipelines nearshore (0.5 km or less from the shoreline). These include, but are not limited to, cross-country transportation pipelines, flowlines, trunklines, tielines, water injection lines, gas lift lines, gas injection lines, and test […]