Download Engineering Standard | SAES-H-200

Storage, Handling and Installation of Externally Coated Pipe This standard covers the mandatory requirements governing the storage, handling and installation of line pipe and piping that have been externally coated with one of the following shop-applied coatings: fusion bonded epoxy (FBE), 3-layer polyethylene (3LPE), 3-layer polypropylene (3LPP), or Rayclad 120/B.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-H-102

Safety Requirements for Coating Applications This Standard prescribes the minimum mandatory safety requirements applicable during shop or field coating applications for construction, maintenance, and/or coating maintenance programs of Saudi Aramco industrial facilities and equipment.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-H-101

Approved Protective Coating Systems for Industrial Plants & Equipment This Standard describes various approved protective coating systems (APCS’s) specified in other Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards. This Standard, in conjunction with SAES-H-100 and the appropriate Saudi Aramco Data Sheets (SAES-H-101V) gives the application requirements for Saudi Aramcoapproved protective coating systems. Individual APCSs of this standard may […]


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-H-100

Coating Materials & Application Requirements for Industrial Facilities This Standard covers minimum mandatory coating requirements for thecorrosion protection of industrial facilities in onshore, offshore, atmospheric, and/or immersion services. This Standard does not apply to infrastructure facilities, off-the-shelf items,powder coatings, or to coatings applied primarily for cosmetic purposes unless specifically invoked in the scope of work […]


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-H-003

Protective Coatings for Industrial Concrete Structures This standard covers the minimum mandatory requirements for surfacepreparation, coatings application, and coatings materials selection for theconcrete surfaces in industrial facilities both onshore and offshore. Exception:Coating of above ground/atmospheric concrete structures is not required, unless otherwise specified in other standards and project documents.

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Download Engineering Standard | SAES-H-002

Internal and External Coatings for Steel Pipelines and Piping This Standard defines the minimum mandatory internal and external coating selection requirements for steel pipelines and piping (including associated fittings and appurtenances) and the mandatory performance requirements of these coatings. Excluded from this Standard are temporary coatings. This Standard does not preclude the use of galvanized, […]


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-H-001

Coating Selection & Application Requirements for Industrial Plants & Equipment This Standard covers the minimum mandatory coating requirements for the internal and external protection of industrial facilities inside plants. This Standard does not apply to infrastructure facilities, powder coatings, or decorative coatings unless specified in the scope of work or other mandatory Saudi Aramco document.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-G-116

Cleanliness Standard for Lube/Seal Oil and Fluid Power Systems This Standard specifies the minimum cleanliness requirements of shop and field fabricated and demothballed or existing Lube/Seal Oil and Fluid Power Systems. (Fluid power systems are defined as motor driven variable speed hydraulic couplings and driven equipment utilising a common fluid for lubrication and power transmission). […]