Download Engineering Standard | SAES-S-060

Saudi Aramco Plumbing Code The Uniform Plumbing Code in its entirety, published by the InternationalAssociation of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO), 2000 edition with supplements thereto, is hereby adopted as the Saudi Aramco Plumbing Code, which is hereafter referred to as “this Code”.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-S-050

Sprinkler and Standpipe Systems in Buildings This Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard establishes the system components for sprinkler, standpipe or combined systems in Saudi Aramco operated and/or maintained buildings.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-S-040

Saudi Aramco Water Systems This Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard sets forth the minimum requirements for potable water systems, fire and raw combined water systems, irrigation water systems and well water systems in Saudi Aramco facilities, or those systems under the operation and maintenance of Saudi Aramco.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-S-030

Storm Water Drainage Systems This Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard sets forth the minimum requirements for storm water drainage systems under the operation and maintenance of Saudi Aramco.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-S-020

Industrial Drainage and Sewers This Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard sets forth the minimum requirements for industrial drainage and sewer systems in the following Saudi Aramco onshore and offshore facilities.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-S-010

Sanitary Sewers This Saudi Aramco Engineering Standard (SAES) sets forth the minimumrequirements for sanitary sewers that are located in Saudi Aramco facilities; or that are under the operation and maintenance of Saudi Aramco.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-S-007

Solid Waste Landfill Standard This standard prescribes the minimum requirements for the design, siteselection, operation, maintenance, and closure of Class II and Class III solidwaste landfill sites located in Saudi Aramco operating areas. This standard does not apply to Class I (hazardous waste) landfill sites.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-Q-011

Epoxy Grout for Machinery Support This Standard prescribes minimum mandatory requirements governing the materials, design and installation of epoxy grouts for machinery supports. Cementitious grout shall be in accordance with SAES-Q-010.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-Q-010

Cement Based, Non-Shrink Grout for Structural and Equipment Grouting This Standard covers the selection of fluid, cement based, nonshrink grout for use in equipment grouting and various structural applications. Epoxy grout for use in equipment grouting shall be in accordance with SAES-Q-011.


Download Engineering Standard | SAES-Q-009

Concrete Retaining Walls This Standard covers mandatory requirements governing the design and specifications for construction of reinforced concrete retaining walls. Where materials other than reinforced concrete are required, refer to SAES-M-100, “Saudi Aramco Building Code”.