Cookie Policy
eBizGlow uses cookies. A cookie is a small text file (referred to as clear GIFs or web beacons). Cookies are tiny E-tags with a unique identifier that are entrenched in websites. Online ads, email, and designed to provide usage information. Information about how many times can advertise displayed is clicked or visited, this is to measure popularity of the Services and associated advertising, and to access information from user cookies.
This file is stored on your device when you visit a website. This is to verify your identity. You must have enabled cookies in your browser to login to the website. We use cookies for authentication.
Commenters Cookie :When visitors comment on EbizGlow website, they also get these cookies.
- comment_author_{HASH}
- comment_author_email_{HASH}
- comment_author_url_{HASH}
Google Analytic
We, along with third-party vendors such as Google use first-party cookies (such as the Google Analytics cookies) and other service functions as they relate to our website. This helps us analyze data about web page traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We use this non-identifiable aggregated traffic information for statistical analysis purposes.
We automatically collect or receive some information about how you access website, including the device you are using, OS you have on your device, and which browser you have used to access the website. We also collect information about how is your internet speed, about your communications with video content, like the type of web content viewed or listened, about your interactions with email messages we send you, such as which links you click on, and whether the messages were opened or forwarded. IP addresses associated with the devices you use, Advertising IDs, Cookie IDs, and other unique identifiers.
- WordPress: cookies
- HTTP Cookies – Wikipedia –
- RFC 2965 – HTTP State Management Mechanism –
- PHP cookie –
- CSB cookies-